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Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management by Anthony R. E. Sinclair; John M. Fryxell; Graeme CaughleyThe second edition of Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management provides a thorough introduction to general ecological principles and examines how they can be applied to wildlife management and conservation. Expanded and updated, this second edition includes new chapters on understanding ecosystems and the use of computer models in wildlife management Gives a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of ecology including the latest theories on population dynamics and conservation Reviews practical applications and techniques and how these can be used to formulate realistic objectives with in an ecological framework Examples of real-life management situations from around the world provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation Worked examples on CD enable students to practice calculations explained in the text Artwork from the book is available to instructors online at An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at for more information. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
ISBN: 1444309137
Publication Date: 2009-03-12
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EBSCO Host DatabasesNOTE: You may be asked to create an account to download and read offline. You can still read online without creating an account. UHI does not recommend the creation of an account, this is done at your own risk. Provides the following resource collections: Academic Search Complete; ATLA Religion with ATLA Serials; Business Source Elite, CINAHL Complete; Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text; EBSCO eBooks; Education Research Complete; GreenFile; Medline; Medline with Full Text ; Philosopher's Index with Full Text; PsycArticles; PsycInfo; SocIndex with Full Text;. SportDiscus with Full Text. See under each individual collection for details.
Abstract and full-text articles with full text from 2001 plus 8000 eBooks. Abstracts for some articles date as far back as 1823. Covid-19 Response (free access till 15th June 2020): access to 256 textbooks on Science Direct platform
Web of ScienceCollection of authoritative Science, Engineering and Technology and Arts and Humanities citation indexes, covering over 250 disciplines. Includes a selection of interactive data analysis tools . Also includes Medline.
Useful for literature reviews.