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Science, Technology and the Environment


External Websites

Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains (EEA Report No 6/2010)

Europe's mountain areas have social, economic and environmental capital of significance for the entire continent. This importance has been recognised since the late 19th century through national legislation; since the 1970s through regional structures for cooperation; and since the 1990s through regional legal instruments for the Alps and Carpathians. The European Union (EU) first recognised the specific characteristics of mountain areas in 1975 through the designation of Less Favoured Areas (LFAs). During the last decade, EU cohesion policy and the Treaty of Lisbon have both focused specifically on mountains.

Mapping the vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity

FAO. 2015. Mapping the vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity. Romeo, R., Vita, A., Testolin, R. & Hofer, T. Rome

Mountain Agenda

Mountain Agenda is an informal group of people, drawn from the academic and development cooperation communities worldwide, who have a professional interest in sustainable mountain development.

Mountain Partnership

Founded in 2002, the Mountain Partnership is a United Nations voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to improving the lives of mountain peoples and protecting mountain environments around the world.

Mountain Research Initiative

The Mountain Research Initiative is a non-profit organization that promotes global change research in mountain regions across borders and disciplines through connection, communication, and collaboration – with a view to supporting pathways towards sustainable mountain development. 
