This service provides a ‘Google-like’ way of searching many sources at the same time. The process of finding information from both the physical and digital parts of the library has become so much simpler.
To borrow print books, please follow the guidance for your College Library.
To see the titles of all the articles in your search please login to Library Search before (or after) you have done your search. The login button is at the top right of the Library Search home page.
and more.
The results will be listed in order of relevance. You can use the side bar to refine your search by publication date, content type, location, language, subject terms and so on.
When you find anything that interests you, just click on the link. If the material is online, you will be asked for your UHI login then taken to the material question. If the item is a print book, the full catalogue details will appear.
You can also use the Advanced Search option to make your search very specific – by combining author, title, date etc. This is especially useful when using very common search terms.
If you need help getting the most out of Library Search please contact your Academic Partner library staff.
If you have any technical difficulties, or if a link appears to be broken, please go to the UniDesk and log a call.
The following provides a brief introduction to the main features of Library Search. Please see our video guides page for videos on other key systems and services.