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UHI Perth Library

UHI Perth Library user guide

Library open hours

UHI Perth Library 

Term Time Opening Hours 

Monday to Thursday

8am - 8pm


 8am - 4.45pm



Easter break opening hours:

The Library will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, 1st and 2nd of April.

From Wednesday 3rd April - Friday 12th April, we will be open 8.45am - 4.45pm 

The Academy of Sport and Wellbeing (ASW) Room 964 is open at weekends for study space only:

Saturday - 8 am - 6 pm and Sunday - 8 am - 10 pm 



Welcome to the library

This page introduces essential aspects of Perth College and the UHI library service that are relevant to all subjects, including:

  • Borrowing and returning
  • Studying on campus
  • Accessing eBooks
  • Using the library catalogue and other search facilities
  • Borrowing rights
  • Where to get help.

Further information on each area is available by clicking on the tabs to the side of this page or you can book a face to face/online or telephone Library induction/support session 

image of a student browsing the library shelves

Study facilities

Study facilities

NEW! The UHI Perth Library Team are pleased to announce that two new private study rooms are now available for students to use. Syndicate Room 1 &2 are available during library opening hours. To book any of the rooms, please email , call 01738 877721, or book directly with the team at the main desk.

Situated on the First Floor of the Brahan Building, the Library is a quiet environment in which to work. It provides individual study space with 15 computers for you to use.  We also have 40 study spaces available with a mix of individual and group study.  We ask that you keep noise levels to a minimum and respect other students who are using the Library.

The Quiet Study area is adjacent to the Library and is an open-plan area for individual quiet study.  You are welcome to bring your own device as the quiet study area has 22 study booths with a power point at each one if required. 

On Floor 2 of the library you will find a flexible study space with a further 30 study spaces as well as 8 Apple Macs.

You can also borrow library-use only laptops from the main desk.

WiFi is available throughout the College - select Eduroam from the list of available networks.

image of the Library quiet study room


Please respect other users by behaving in an appropriate and respectful manner. Please speak to a member of the Library team if you think a fellow student is behaving in an inappropriate way.

Mobile phones should be set to 'silent' in all areas of the Library so that you do not disturb others. Please leave the Library if you need to make a call.

Children are welcome in the Library for short periods of up to 2 hours at a time but please ensure that they are supervised at all times.

Food and drink

Please do not take hot food in to the Library - this is so that we can maintain a clean and safe environment for you to study in.  Sandwiches and bottled water and drinks in a secure drinks container are allowed.


Returning books

The college library is open - please email us at and we will provide details of how to return items using the postal service if you cannot get in to the library in person. 

Book return box 

You will receive an automatic email when books are due to be returned. Please return books as soon as possible to make available for other people to borrow. If you need the book longer you can usually renew it (if it is not reserved).

There is a Book Return box located to the right at the bottom of the stairs to the library.  

Book return box 

image of the Library book return box


Borrowing, renewing and reserving books

Borrowing books 

You may borrow up to 15 books at any one time. The loan period is Standard loan which means you can have the book for 4 weeks after this time you can renew unless someone else is waiting for it. If another student requests a book that you have out on loan you will get an email to ask you to return the book to the library. You must return the book by the new due date otherwise you are disadvantaging fellow students.  You will need your student electronic ID to borrow books.

As well as print books the Library service also provides access to a vast collection of eBooks and eJournals which can be read online or downloaded. Our Library Search covers all of the material held at Perth College UHI plus the library collections of all our partner institutions in the University of the Highlands and Islands. The search also provides links to eBooks. Books for loan held by other libraries within the University of the Highlands and Islands may be borrowed through the Inter-Site Loan scheme.  The library search can be searched from any internet enabled device. 

A self-issue unit is available at the issue desk in the Library, see the MeeScan guide for further information.

We also have a fiction collection on Floor 2 and a collection of DVDs by the issue desk if you want to take a break from your course textbooks. 

Postal Loans service 

If you would like us to send your books to you, you can request a Postal Loan.  Books can be requested through Library Search - click on 'Place Hold'.  Please bear in mind that books are sent by 2nd Class Royal Mail, so may take a few days to reach you.  

Intersite loans 

If you need to borrow material held at another library within the University of the Highlands and Islands, please complete the relevant online request form (for Library Search) or email with details and we will request the items on your behalf, this may not be possible.  If an eBook is available the lending library may decline your request.

British Library loans 

If the material you want is not available in any of the partner libraries, please ask about a British Library loan.  If the book is not in stock, we may also consider purchasing a copy for our collection which you can then borrow.

Renewing books

Books can be renewed online via MyDay or by logging into the Library Search If your books have become overdue please email and we will renew them for you (as long as they have not been reserved by someone else). If you have problems renewing your books, please contact us. 

Overdue books

You will not incur an overdue charge if your book is late back unless the book has been recalled by another user and you have not returned it on time. If you do not return your book when requested to do so there will be an overdue charge of £1 per day. If your book has not been recalled by another user and it becomes overdue you will receive an email the day after your book is due to remind you to renew or return it.  After two further reminder emails, unless your PAT has informed us that you have mitigating circumstances which prevented you from returning the book on time, you will be invoiced for the replacement cost of the book.  

Reserving books 

Perth College UHI students or staff may reserve or recall a book that is already out on loan (as long as it is a book from our Library) by sending an email to and quoting the details of the book. Please note: reserved books will only be held for a limited number of days before going back into circulation. You will be sent an email when books are available for collection.

You can email book requests to For each book we need to know the title; first author name or editor name; publication year or edition. Please use your College email so we can identify you.