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UHI Shetland Library

Scalloway Campus Library

Scalloway Campus Library

The Library at the Scalloway Campus is located on the first floor of the John Goodlad Centre building.

The library holds resources relevant to the courses or research at the Scalloway Campus.  Computers and study facilities are available to UHI students and staff during the opening hours of the building (usually Monday-Friday 09.00-17.00).

Note: UHI Shetland external borrowers and SCONUL Access members should contact UHI Shetland Library staff before accessing the Library -

Borrowing, reserving and returning books

Borrowing library resources from Scalloway

The Scalloway Campus Library operates on an honesty basis, so we ask that UHI Shetland students and staff use the self-service systems in place to borrow items.

If UHI Shetland external borrowers or SCONUL Access members would like to borrow any resources from the Scalloway Campus Library, they should contact UHI Shetland Library staff -

Returning resources at Scalloway

All returned items must be placed in the Library Returns boxes in the Scalloway Campus Library.  Items will be reshelved by a member of the Library team.

Items can also be returned in person to the Lerwick Campus Library. 

Note that UHI Shetland laptops should not be returned, or left, in the Scalloway Campus library and must be returned to the Lerwick Campus Library.

Requesting or Reserving items from the Scalloway Campus Library collection

Items in the Scalloway Campus Library collection cannot be requested, or reserved, via Library Search (using the Place Hold button). 

If you would like to request or reserve an item in the collection please contact UHI Shetand Library staff by email