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Referencing, and RefWorks and EndNote

An overview of the UHI Harvard referencing system, and the RefWorks and EndNote reference management tools

Referencing at HTC

while you are on the theology programme follow the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) style.  This can be found on the Cite Them Right website (linked from UHI Library pages) and is provided in bibliographical software such as RefWorks and EndNote.

[For students on upper levels of the programme, that have been using the HTC style for several years, note that we will accept essays with the old style for now.  The differences between the systems are minor in any case, but MHRA is a widely accepted style and HTC style only applicable to HTC.]

As in other aspects of your academic work we will expect to see a progression in the use of footnotes as you move through the levels. At SCQF Level 7 we simply ask that you give details of the sources from which you have either quoted directly or where you acquired an idea. At higher levels you may extend your footnotes to give supporting information (e.g., additional biblical or other source references; brief comments on sources with which you disagree) but do not use footnotes to advance your central argument. In SCQF Level 10 you should be beginning to engage with material in a manner not unlike that of serious academic researchers.