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Information Literacy for Health Professionals

Communication of research findings

Often one of the conditions of research is that the results get as widely distributed as possible.  This process is essential for the rapid uptake and use of research findings.   There are a number of ways this can be done:

Oral communication - conferences/presentations/workshops

Publication - journals/reports

Electronic - blogs/Facebook/X/social media

This latter group leads into the field of altmetrics and Andy Tattersall one of the information specialists at the University of Sheffield has produced some 20 minute guides to the use of altmetrics - here and here

More and more institutions are making their research outputs available to the wider world.  Having your research deposited in such a repository also increases is visibility.  The repository of UHI is called PURE (opens in new window).

A number of reports have made clear that all research findings should be published in open access format - so it is recommended that the open access publication recommendations for specific institutions are consulted.  For UHI consult the open access publications advice (opens in new window).