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Nursing, Midwifery and Health - UHI North, West and Hebrides (Stornoway)


This page contains some Podcasts for staff/students to use to increase their knowledge of some of the resources offered by the Library.  It also contains material for NHS Scotland staff.

UHI Specific


A podcast showing basic use of the SCOPUS database.  Access available only to UHI staff and students.


NHS and UHI Health Care Specific

Redesigned Knowledge Network

Using the Clinical Support Tools

No more trawling through the journals - the clinical support tools on the Knowledge Network provide constantly updating, evidence based summaries on clinical topics.  This podcast below shows how to use these tools with regard to the current COVID pandemic

Useful For All

Google Advanced

A podcast below briefly shows how to use the Google Advanced search tool.

King's Fund Library

This podcast looks at using the King's Fund Library database - very useful for health service development material.  Database is open access.  Also since the demise of Social Care Online and the National Grey Literature Collection material deposited in these sites is now going into the King's Fund collection.