The Digital Content Store is a repository managed by the CLA. It holds the CLA compliant scans of book and journal extracts for the majority of UK universities. Where you would currently have the link to the scan of the document held within the VLE, the DCS system holds the scan and provides you with a stable link allowing your students to access it .
The great advantages of using the DCS are as follows:- ·
The Academic Request Form allows HE professionals to upload their digitisation requests directly to the DCS rather than relying on their current setups, which include emails, forms and data systems. This new feature will optimise HE professionals' workflow and make accessing and providing content simpler than ever.
When you want to place a scanned extract from a book, or paper copy journal, you simply fill out and submit the online Academic Request Form which can be found at . The details needed are fairly straightforward. If the module you want to add material for is not listed, you can add it yourself, giving both the module code and name. There is no need to provide a scan at this point.
REMEMBER you can only add an extract of a maximum of 10% of a book or one chapter, whichever is greater.
The CLA compliance officer (an employee of UHI) will check the details against the Digital Content Store for compliance (is it covered by the licence?, has another HEI already uploaded the same abstract?) If the material can be uploaded under the licence, the Compliance Officer will scan your extract and upload it to the DCS. You will then be sent a stable URL to add to Brightspace and/or your Talis reading list.
The university must own a copy of anything that is to be scanned. If we do not currently own a copy, we may buy a copy or we can purchase a copyright fee paid copy from the British Library
What you will get from us and what the student will see:-
There are many materials that you can use in the VLE that do not come under the CLA HE Licence, but that you can use because they are covered by other aspects of the law.
You need not go through the DCS if any of the following apply:
The book is no longer in copyright
You have permission from another source that overrides CLA – e.g. the copyright holder
The book is part of a product that is purchased with the right to make digital copies
The book is under Crown Copyright
The book has been published under Creative or another system which allows this type of copying
The module leader, or another member of staff is the copyright holder and has waived copyright
It is Open Source
The copy is made under an exception to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988
Anyone uploading material direct to the VLE directly must indicate under which of the above cases they are doing so. You will still be audited , both externally and internally, so you need to inform the auditor to avoid the scan being highlighted as non-compliant.
For further advice on any of these, please contact
Some materials are not covered by the CLA. In these cases copyright permissions must be negotiated and paid for on an individual basis.
Printed Music
Excluded Works (this will be checked for you)
Maps and Charts
Workbooks, or assignment sheets