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Gender Studies

A 'work in progress' libguide designed to highlight eBooks and eCollections on this topic

What is in these links?

The first set of links on this page, eJournal Subject Collections,  represent collections of eJournals that have been gathered together by searching on the topics of gender studies and : sociology,  social sciences & gender studies & social policy,.  The second set of links are to individual eJournals. The University Library has two subject specific eResources collections (SocIndex with Full Text & Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text) which would apply to the topic of gender studies and sociology .  The author of the guide decided to explore gender studies and sociology via other collections to find out how gender studies and sociology is covered outside of subject specific collections.  The individual eJournals shown below are examples of eJournals from each of the collections.

eJournal Articles Subject Collections

Individual eJournals