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UHI Inverness Library and LRC

A guide to using the Library and Learning Resource Centre of UHI Inverness

Accessing our online bookshop

The university has a partnership with John Smiths' bookshop.  In order to qualify for free postage on any items you order, you need to register first.

Books on a resource list (Talis Aspire) will benefit from a 10% discount.

Second-hand books

When books are no longer needed by the Library, we offer them for sale at heavily discounted prices.  Our withdrawn books are available to view at the back of the Library.  They are withdrawn because they are older editions, in poor physical condition or no longer required.

We also take donations of books if you are having a clear out or want to get rid of your old course books.  We cannot sell books on your behalf.

There is also a Facebook group for university students who want to sell/buy textbooks -