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Your Local Library

Information about contacts and opening times for each Academic Partner Library service of the University of the Highlands and Islands

UHI electronic resources (e-resources) collections

In most cases, whether accessing collections on or off campus, access is by entering your UHI username and password (computer login given to you at enrolment).

You can find a list of all collections at A-Z Online Collections.  

You can search across many of the collections via the LibrarySearch page. 

For individual, full text, journals please use the "Online Journals"

Difficulty in accessing the collections?  Please open a ticket on the Unidesk Self-service Portal or contact the UHI Service Desk : 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday, Tel: 01463 279 150, in the first instance.

Out of Hours support is provided Monday to Thursday 17:00 - 20:00 and Saturday and Sunday 12:00 - 16:00. 

For more Service Desk information see here

Systems status updates